
University Life

My guide to all things university



Companion. Accomplice. Therapist.

At no other time do I believe is a friend needed quite as much at 4am as one is needed when you are a student. This is when you are stumbling home, not entirely sure if you are still in possession of your key, or decide on an impromptu trip to the 24hr McDonald’s, or want to watch a film, or want to sit watching the sky grow light without speaking.

Continue reading “Companion. Accomplice. Therapist.”


In response to Earth

Continue reading “Earth”

Life Of A Former Beach Bum

In response to Beach

Continue reading “Life Of A Former Beach Bum”

That Home Town Feeling

My university Easter break only started on Monday which is after everyone else back home, so I’m abit of a loose end – which is actually leaving me time to blog (yay!) but means I’m a bit bored (boo!).

So, here is my blog post on what I’ve done so far as well as an update on the state of my existance.

Continue reading “That Home Town Feeling”

Term 2 Review

Once again so much has happened, I suppose that’s to be expected during the first year of university, but it’s very strange to realise our little worlds don’t stand still.

So, what’s been happening in my world? Well…

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The Canterbury Tales

In response to Street


Continue reading “The Canterbury Tales”

The University Life

Once again it’s been far too long.

Essays have piled up on top of me and kept me from reaching for the keyboard unless it’s 2am and I’ve woken up sure that I haven’t properly referenced a paper due that day.

Yes, university is essentially how much stress you can deal with until the weekend when you get to go and drink like alcohol is running out.

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Kent Calling

This is my first proper post since starting uni so prepare for a long post and lots of photos!

Continue reading “Kent Calling”

New House, So New Home?

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Home Turf.”

‘Name five things in your house that make it a home.’

My home is probably still where I spent the first 18 years of my life, with a view of a church and the beach a 20min walk away. But, I’m now a uni student (heehhee!!), which means I have two homes: my campus home and my home home. It’s been a bit nerve racking moving out and living with strangers, but it’s finally starting to feel like ‘home’.

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